
中学 Student 活动: Beyond the Classroom


In addition to the opportunity to represent Saint Andrew’s on a school athletic team, a number of clubs and activities are offered to 中学 students both before and after school as well as on Saturdays from time to time. The following list includes some of the opportunities that may be available, although they shift from year to year depending on interest.


中学 students will have the opportunity to find joy in their acting and/or musical theatre craft and make new friends in a fun, supportive atmosphere which values ensemble ethic and celebrates each unique individual. Actors Ensemble meets second semester after school as a group to work together on monologues, 合奏表演, 即兴创作, 独奏人声, duet and small or large musical ensembles, and stagecraft projects. In addition, students will have individual coaching on their pieces with the Director by appointment.


The Chinese club is for students who are interested in learning Chinese culture and language. 学生 will learn and practice language skills based on different activities, 比如折纸, 剪纸, 水画, 书法, 民间故事等等. Chinese characters will be introduced through fun and interactive teaching methods.


Christian Fellowship provides a time for students to explore their beliefs and faith with the school Chaplain.


The Saint Andrew’s Dance Company is a fun and supportive environment that allows students to deepen their dance knowledge and technical ability, 成长为艺术家, and increase their performance opportunities. The Dance Company meets four times a week, is a year-long commitment, and open to students in grades 6-12. Dancers will participate in the Novemberfest: A Fall Festival of Dance and Spring Celebration of Dance performances, along with other opportunities that may arise throughout the year. Dancers will be expected to purchase the required shoes and attire.


Design and Robotics is an elective activity that meets after school. 学生 will collaboratively assemble, 修改, and program using block-based programming to complete several challenges in preparation for First Tech Challenge (FTC) competitions. 学生 will add intelligence to their robots by programming different types of sensors. Throughout this process, student engineers are expected to document their progress in an Engineering Notebook while exhibiting gracious professionalism and other collaboration concepts. 学生 attending this class are expected to participate in the FTC competitions.


Members will develop an understanding of plants that are optimal for the local subtropical climate and will use this knowledge to contribute to the 中学 Garden area. Several weekend opportunities are offered for 中学 students to volunteer their time to harvest fresh produce for local food banks. Local farmers and nonprofits donate field time for students to harvest nutritious vegetables and greens. 学生 use electronics to monitor the garden for water and humidity. 学生 also use the drip irrigation system to water the plants. 学生 learn about solar energy, horticulture, and electronics while planting a bountiful harvest. Harvested food is then donated for those in need within the local community.


学生 will work in teams to compete in the Council of Economic Education’s 佛罗里达 Stock Market Challenge. 组队比赛, students will learn about the economy through the management of a hypothetical $100,000年投资组合.


In this activity, young students discover their passions and develop their voice to express them. 学生 will explore topics with which they feel a personal connection. They will plan and present oral presentations to their peers using a variety of presentation approaches. Over the course of the year, they will build confidence as they gain practice speaking before an audience.


这 club will focus on strengthening the understanding of Jewish beliefs and traditions among students.


The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides engaging math programs to U.S. middle school students of all ability levels in order to build confidence and improve attitudes towards math and problem solving. 学生 meet throughout the year to prepare for the team competition in February. The team to represent Saint Andrew’s is chosen from the students who participate during the year. 这 is a great opportunity for students who love to investigate patterns and solve problems.


每年, the 中学 presents a musical theatre production or a play which is open to all interested students in grades 6-8. Auditions are held in the fall, callbacks are held to determine casting of roles, rehearsals take place throughout the fall semester, and the performances take place in January. The 中学 Production is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore the joys of theatre and the process of working together as a team to produce a finished product of which to be proud. 学生 also have the opportunity to serve in leadership positions such as Production Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager, 运行人员, Soundboard or Lightboard Operator. Recent productions have included Fiddler on the Roof Jr.,嘎! Jr., A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, Seussical, and The Secret Garden.


这 activity promotes the IDEALS of Round Square that include: Internationalism, 民主, 环境保护论, 冒险, Leadership and Service. The focus on the IDEALS of the Round Square programs at Saint Andrew’s is intended to develop each child’s potential by creating a sense of internationalism, 普遍的民主, 环保行动, 冒险精神, and leadership and service to community and beyond. These guiding principles are designed to prepare talented young minds for the challenges that will welcome them as adults in the globalized world. The goal of the Round Square is to blend leadership, 学校精神, and positive social interaction among students. 学生 are given many opportunities to develop and demonstrate leadership skills. 穿过圆广场, students participate in service activities as well as several planned adventure trips. We offer all students the opportunity to participate in the Round Square Council that meets before school.


学生 help to plan local excursions and on-campus exposures as they relate to the core IDEALS. Examples of previous field trips include service visits to the Old Folks at 首页, 猫头鹰在FAU挖洞, 亚马逊之旅.com distribution center, canoe treks through the Everglades, 海滩清理工作, and international cooking classes at Mariani Great Hall.


每年, Young Round Square organizes a ‘Conference of the Americas’ which is hosted by one of the member schools. Occasionally Young Round Square students are invited to participate in an International Conference. Participation gives us the opportunity to meet students from schools around the world with whom we can make meaningful connections. We also offer students from Round Square Schools an opportunity to participate in extended field trips when possible.


只要有可能, member schools of Round Square invite a limited number of students to join trips that are focused on culture, 服务与冒险. We reciprocate by offering other schools an opportunity to join trips organized by Saint Andrew’s. Opportunities are sometimes limited due to the size of the host group.


The 中学 Student Leadership Council provides students with the opportunity to serve as leaders of their peers in the 中学. Members represent their classmates and work with the faculty advisors to address topics that are of importance to the students. Members also have the opportunity to participate in school events and contribute content to the Scots Times digital student newsletter. 参与, students apply and are selected by members of the administration in collaboration with the faculty advisors.